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The Internal Regulation
of the Greek Section of the International Police Union

Internal rule



Article 1

general provisions


  1. The provisions referred to in this Regulation determine based on the Statutory provisions of the D.E.A. the composition, responsibilities and work procedures of the various bodies of the Union, the relations between them, as well as details of the objects of activity, which are not mentioned in the Statute of the Union and facilitate the promotion of its objectives.

  2. The approved logo of the Union is legally protected and is used in printed forms only by the National Department and individual Local Administrations, the use of which is permitted by the members on business cards.

  3. The international IRA identity card with year stamp issued by the National Department to its members is the only proof of membership of the Union. The National Department provides the Local Administrations with the necessary number of stamps. The identity cards are issued by the Greek Department and remain its property. The loss of membership entails the mandatory return to the Union of the Identity Card. The identity card can be replaced with the new type by decision of the Board of Directors.

  4. Internal issues should only be discussed within the Union. Individual local matters are regulated by the Local Administrations, general matters by the Board of Directors. of the National Department and as long as they do not fall under its responsibilities, by the Panhellenic Conference.

  5. Discussions about political, religious, trade union and racial problems are prohibited at all gatherings or events of the Union, as well as in the publications of its publications. Requests from these authorities are checked by the competent Boards of Directors appointed by the Board of Directors. of the National Department of sanctions, provided by article 8 of the Statute. For serious violations of the principles of the D.E.A. the National Department informs all Local Administrations in writing of the measures it has taken or intends to take.

  6. Where in this Regulation the Board of Directors or its members is simply mentioned, this concerns both the National Department and the Local Administrations.


Article 2


  1. The responsibilities of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer are determined by the statutory provisions and do not coincide with the same person. In particular, the responsibilities of the Vice-Presidents and other members of the Board of Directors are the following:


First Vice-President.  Board of Directors  issues (Article 21 of the Statute)

  • Substitutes for the President in his absence or disability.

  • Office Operation

  • Building-property maintenance.

  • Organization & monitoring of I.R.A. hostels [ I.R.A. HOUSE ].

  • Organizational issues

  • Local Administrations.

  • Other administrative matters.

  • Coordination of Ephorates - Committees - Working groups on Administrative issues.

 (Article 24 of the Statute)

  • Internal professional training seminars.

  • Visits to foreign police forces.

  • Proposal to amend the Statute of the National Department.

  • Coordination of Administrative Issues of Local Governments.

  • TD Websites Award.


Second Vice President. POLITICAL  e c d l o s e s (article 22 of the Statute)

  • History of the I.R.A.

  • Hobby.

  • International Seminars – International gatherings.

  • Coordination of Ephorates-Committees, Working Groups on Cultural Issues. (Article 24 of the Statute)

  • Events of an educational-cultural nature.

  • Artistic events, Exhibitions of painting, photography, etc.

  • Publications of forms of the National Department and Local Administrations.

  • Relations with International Committee for Cultural Affairs.

  • Coordination of cultural events of Local Governments.


3rd Vice President. Public  decisions (Article 23 of the Statute)

  • Domestic - foreign excursions.

  • Sports – organization of meetings.

  • Exchange of accommodation for young people, children of I.R.A. members.

  • Public relations.

  • Blood bank.

  • Organizations of Friendly Weeks, holidays for children – Camping.

  • Strengthening support for the needy - Social Aid Fund.

  • Coordination of Ephorates-Committees, Working Groups of social issues.

  • Monitoring reception of foreign groups and individual colleagues.

  • Coordination of social events of Local Governments.


Responsible for external  matters – Representations (Article 42 of the Statute)

  • Foreign tours.

  • Organization of meetings of foreign missions.

  • Monitoring of International Statutes etc. of international documents.

  • Gathering & sending annual reports to PEB.

  • Gimborn topics, educational international meetings.


Director of the meetings of the Board of Directors of D.E.A.

The President, with his written authorization, can delegate to the designated elected member, his authority to lead the meetings of the Board of Directors, who will take care of the observance of the discussions and decision-making on the issues of the H.D.

  • He cooperates with the General Secretary in keeping the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

  • Actions & issues concerning the NGO.

  • Sports – organization of meetings.

  • Souvenir items.



The members of the Board of Directors have the right to resign from their office with a unilateral declaration of their will that they will address to the other members of the Council and which, once in the hands of the recipients, immediately brings about the intended result, i.e. the loss of the office, without the occurrence of this result depends on the acceptance or not of the submitted resignation, which is no longer possible to withdraw, so that the resigned can regain their position in the administration.

Article 3


In CHAPTER II of the statute (articles 4,5,6,7,8 and 9) the rights and obligations of the members are defined.

The members of the Union may leave freely at any time they wish in accordance with article 90 of the Civil Code, by submitting their written request to the Board. In this case, the deletion of the member is valid from the end of the accounting year in question and the resigning member is obliged to pay the annual subscription. Those who have ceased to be members of the Union have no right to his property.

Article 4  


The Board of Directors, by its decision in accordance with article 18 of the Statute, apart from the Ephorates referred to in articles 21, 22 and 23, determines areas of competence, setting up Ephorates, Committees and Working Groups from one or more members of the Union, which it charges with the study, organization and execution of specific sectors within the framework of the purposes of the International Police Union.

Areas of activity for the establishment of Ephorates - Committees - Working Groups are indicative:

  • Tax office or IRA reception office for members and friends.

  • Excursions - educational trips.

  • Artistic events and exhibitions.

  • Hobby.

  • Supplies - warehouse and property.

  • Club.

  • Youth exchange.

  • Sports.

Sectors A, B, C, etc. [ the Sectors are Departments, Regions or complexes of police services  of the T.D.]. Ephorates of English-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, German-speaking National Departments. In these Ephoria, the participation of members who know the foreign language and effectively deal with their subject is deemed necessary.

0i Ephorates - Committees - Working Groups of foreign-speaking National Departments deal with issues concerning these Departments, namely correspondence, reception of members, monitoring of the Journals, forms issued by them and similar exploitation of them.

The Sectoral Ephorates:

a] are the representatives of the Board of Directors. in the area of or the Police Services complex,

b] accept applications for new members, petitions, letters from members and in general any information that is of interest to the Association and transmit them competently to the Board of Directors,

c] inform the members who live in their Sector about the events of the Union and

d] they are in direct contact with the members and are the basic cell of the Union.

  1. The other subject-specific Superintendents are responsible for the study, preparation and organization of the special subject with which they have been charged.

  2. In the recommendations of Ephorates-Committees by decision of the Board of Directors. the deputies of the Treasurers or Presidents as well as their members are designated. The Commissioners or Presidents of the Committees are accountable to the Board of Directors. and are bound by his instructions.

  3. At regular monthly or bimonthly intervals depending on existing needs, the Board of Directors calls the Commissioners or Presidents of the Committees or heads of Working Groups or their deputies to a joint meeting, discussion and analysis of the existing problems, as well as the decision-making thereof.

  4. The Board of Directors may also set up Committees for the study, preparation and general organization of various events, Friendly Weeks, Friendly Meetings and Artistic Events. In these Committees, a President is appointed, who is obliged to call the members for meetings and to assign individual responsibilities for the best and fastest processing of the assigned work.


Article 5


  1. The National Department is responsible for correspondence with:

  • International Organizations [United Nations, Council of Europe, etc.],

  • The R.E.V., the National Departments of the D.E.A.

  • The Ministries and Public Services.

  • The Local Government, N.P.D. and I.D., Banking and other Organizations and individuals.

  1. The Local Administrations correspond with:

  • Public and Municipal authorities of their region,

  • N.P.D. and ID under the law of their region.

  • Banking and other Organizations and individuals in their region.

They cannot, without the permission of the National Department, address Ministries, Public services outside their region, International Organizations, R.E.B. and National Departments,  provide all the necessary information to the National Department to inform R.E.B. and of the International Committees,  communicate each of their documents and letters to the National Department for its information, as well as send at least one copy of the forms, newspapers, announcements and other informational texts issued by them.

  1. The correspondence in general of the Board of Directors. signed by the President and the Secretary General. Particularly :

a] The Vice-Presidents monitor, draft, sign the correspondence of their responsibility between the National Department and T.D. and then inform the President and the Board of Directors. for the management of the issues of. The Vice-Presidents of the National  Department, as liaisons with the respective International Committees, act on correspondence, monitor the resulting issues and inform the Board.

b] The General Secretary monitors, drafts and signs the correspondence, monitors and updates the Registry of the Union, issues with regard to the National Department, with the cooperation of the President, the identity cards of the Union members and finally grants powers to the Assistant General Secretary for a better and more complete service of his work.

c] The Treasurer monitors, drafts and signs the correspondence on financial matters between the National Department and T.D., as well as members of the Union. He keeps the corresponding books.

  1. Correspondence and electronic handling of documents.

E-mail is one of the most popular services on the Internet, offering economical, fast and reliable communication.

It is possible to exchange electronic correspondence between ET, Top. Management and members. The electronic circulation of documents or messages is carried out in accordance with what is mentioned above and it is determined that the digitization of documents contributes to the reduction of bureaucracy. The electronic documents that are drawn up and issued are handled under the responsibility of their publisher in accordance with the provisions.

Article 6


  1. He is elected in accordance with article 18 of the Statute by the Board of Directors. of the National Department, which he represents at International Conferences.

  2. The representative owes according to article 42 of the Statute

a] to know to an excellent degree one of the topics addressed at the Conferences of the D.E.A. languages [English, French or German or Spanish or Italian],

b] to be familiar with the provisions of the International Statute and other Regulations,

c] to be familiar with the structure of the bodies and their responsibilities

  1. During the previous year of the Conference, he cooperates with the President and the General Secretary initially and the Board of Directors. then for the necessity of submitting proposals on matters deemed appropriate to be discussed at the Congress.

  2. Takes notice of the Agenda of the Conference and of the proposals submitted by the National Sections for discussion, studies them and requests after his recommendation from the Board. of the National Department the positions and opinions on each issue, which will be discussed or authorized by it for the handling of issues that wanted to arise unexpectedly during the Conference. After his return from the International Conference, he submits to the Board of Directors of the Greek Department a summary report, updating this orally in a special meeting.


Article 7


  1. According to article 2 of the Statute of D.E.A. in which the development of a spirit of solidarity and mutual service and assistance among the police-members of the DEA is determined. and their families, a Social Solidarity Fund reserve is created.

The purpose of the operation of the reserve Social Solidarity Fund is to support the Local Administrations (events - hospitality - organization of offices, etc.) as well as the one-off financial support of the entitled regular members to cover the necessary expenses incurred by serious cases of illness resulting in damage of their own body or health or due to an extremely serious and emergency due to force majeure. A necessary condition is that the beneficiary was a member of the Union at the time the problem arose and he is requesting financial support.

The created capital is deposited in a special Bank Account and draws resources from:

a. various donations,

b. charity events,

c. sports meetings,

d. the income from the sale of other forms.

e. members' annual contribution or extraordinary deductions, the amount of which is determined by a decision of the Board of the National Section.

  1. Only police officers, members of the I.R.A. are entitled to help. after their application which they submit to the National Department with the necessary supporting documents through the local administrations. The provision of periodic financial support to members is prohibited.

  2. The Board of Directors of the National Department examines the requests and with its decision decides:

a) If there are reasons for assistance,   following a reasoned proposal from the Local Administration which will be accompanied by the supporting documents of the applicant or in exceptional cases and without it   and

b) For the type and amount of assistance which cannot exceed 300 euros for the same members of the I.R.A.

  1. The financial aid defined above by the Board of Directors for the members of the Union cannot be the subject of a legal claim, assignment or confiscation. Despite this, however, any claim, assignment or confiscation thereof shall automatically be invalid.

  2. Newly registered members acquire the right to grant support after the expiry

2 years old.

  1. Our members with many children who had a 4th child or more during the previous financial year and were already members of the Union, are granted a one-time aid of 300 euros for each child.

  2. In case of exhaustion of the reserves of the Social Solidarity Fund, the Board does not grant aid to the requesting members of the Union. However, they can come back with a newer request in the next management year.

  3. At the end of each financial year, the Treasurer draws up the state of aid provided by the Social Fund, which he submits for information to the Board of Directors and the University. Congress.

The Control of the management of the Solidarity Social Capital Reserve/DEA is assigned to the Audit Committee of the Union.

Establishment of criteria for receiving aid from social capital:

Social capital includes:

A) Large children.

B) Members facing serious health problems:  Regards  direct members only and not members of their families. The condition is that the applicant has been a member for at least the last two years and is financially sound. The aid that can be given is proportional to the seriousness of the case and cannot exceed the amount of €300.

C) The Local Administration aid request  is accompanied by the following supporting documents:

1) Description of request (event or purpose of aid)  with Board Decision,

2) Budget and requested amount and

3) Photocopy of deposit book for the cash balance of the TD.

Article 8


  1. According to article 2 of the Statute, the Greek Department of the D.E.A. in its effort to contribute to the intellectual, cultural, social and professional development of its members, it establishes incentives for educational trips. In particular, for the promotion of professional training and as a supplement to the official information, the members of the Greek Department are provided with subsidies for the costs of stay and scholarships in addition to the costs of travel and return, at the Information and Training Center [IBZ] of GIMBORN – Germany or another Police Training Center. Foreign Foundation.

GIMBORN membership process for regular members

Στο διεθνές  Εκπαιδευτικό  Κέντρο ΙΡΑ στο  Gimborn/Γερμανίας  μπορούν να_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ participate  the members of the Greek Department/DEA  with  the following conditions:

1. Submission of a request by the interested member or directly in case he becomes a member of an inactive T.D. or   through its Local Administration to the Board of the National Section.

  1. Communication of the decision of the Board of Directors of ET to the interested party and the TD.

  2. The National Department ONLY covers the costs of participating in the seminar   and staying at GIMBORN.

In the event that his application is approved, the interested party is obliged to:

A) To complete the  special form – application (foreign language) and submit it either directly to GIMBORN with notification to the National Department, or to the National Department with a reminder to forward to GIMBORN.

B) To wait for the approval of his   participation from GIMBORN  and when he is informed about it, to take care of issuing the return and return tickets himself.

C) The tickets are borne by him.

D) The participant assumes the obligation, returning to let us know the result of the training.

  1. In the Budget of the National Department every year, funds are designated for subsidizing the costs of educational trips of members of the Union.

  2. Beneficiaries of the above subsidies are all active members of the Greek Department, as long as they meet the necessary conditions after a decision of the Board of Directors. Candidates for participation in the Seminars and subsidy must, within the specified deadlines, make a written application stating the time, the educational institution of the country that will host them and the qualifications they have for following the training program.

  3. The Board of Directors of the National Department within the framework of the designated funds and as long as the necessary conditions are present approves the subsidy. In the event of multiple nominations, the selection is made based on qualifications and professional training as the case may be.

  4. T.D. may for their members, as long as they have the financial means, subsidize educational trips or participate in their expenses with the National Department. In the second case, this becomes known from the previous year for the similar planning by the National Department.

  5. The candidates for whom a subsidy is provided by the Union undertake the obligation after their return to submit to the National Department a report, in which they state the issues in summary dealt with by the Seminar, mainly describe the working methods of the Police, the special service and social problems with the observations, as well as the impressions they got from it. The candidate in his written application agrees to the publication of his report in the Journal of the Union.

  6. The subsidized member is entitled to submit a new application for a subsidy after five years have passed since the previous subsidy.

  7. According to the same Articles of Association, the Board of Directors of the National Department may also subsidize the travel – stay and return expenses of up to three children of members of the Greek Department aged 19 – 27 years for the participation in the Youth Seminar, which is organized every year by the Information and Education Center [IBZ] in GIMBORN – Germany.

  8. For participation, the member must send a timely written application to the National Department, in which it must be stated responsibly that the member's son or daughter knows one of the spoken languages [English, French or German] to an excellent degree and that after his return undertakes the obligation to send a letter-report to the National Department, in which he mentions the topics of the Seminar, the observations and impressions he gained from it, at the same time granting the right to publish the report in the Journal of the Union. For a new subsidy of the same member, paragraph 7 of this article applies.


 Article 9


The National Department and Local Administrations for group travel  abroad are obliged to inform the foreign National Departments or their Sectors at least 2 months before the departure of the group.

The Local Administrations inform the National Department about:

  • the date of the group trip,

  • the route,

  • the team leader [full details] and

  • the specifics [e.g. if they take a uniform with them, who was notified abroad, contacts with authorities, etc.].

After the group's return from abroad, the leader or another member of the group sends a letter with travel impressions and photographic material to the Journal of the Union for publication.


 Article 10


Friendship Awards are presented by the National Department and consist of a symbolic object or honorary diploma.

The National Department awards the prizes once a year:

a] to a member of the Union or

b] to a Local Administration of the Greek Department for exceptional services.

c] to other individuals or organizations who, without being members, offered great services to   D.E.A.

d] Awards of the Committees for activities of the Top. Commands.

e] award for the best website of the Top. Commands.

f] Awards to outstanding students of members and to achievers in University and Technological Institutions.

Proposals for awards, which are submitted by Local Administration or members of the National Section, must be fully documented as to the services rendered, which have contributed to the promotion or realization of the purposes of the Association. The awarding of prizes to persons or organizations is done once for each service offered. A second award cannot be made before 5 years have passed since the previous one.  A Friendship Award is not awarded unless there are sufficient reasons for the award.


 Article 11


The awards of the Hellenic Department/DEA are divided into three categories:

a). MEDAL, b). PLATES and c). DIPLOMAS.

  1. Award conditions:

    A. The medal is the highest honor awarded only by the Board of the Greek Department.

It is awarded to members of the D.E.A. elected for at least:

  • Four (4) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Directors. of the Greek Department

  • Seven (7) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Local Administration.

It is awarded to non-members of the D.E.A.:

  • for a continuous long period of at least twenty (20) years of exceptional selfless contribution to the DEA.


  • To persons who were designated as honorary members and who offered proven services, contributed to the promotion and dissemination of the ideas of the DEA for a period of at least twenty (20) years, or contributed financially to the acquisition of assets of the DEA.

  • To representatives of the political or natural leadership who have demonstrably contributed to the promotion and dissemination of the ideas of the DEA.

B. The plaque is awarded to DEA members in the following cases:

  • To members elected for at least three (3) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Directors. of the National Department,

  • To members elected for at least five (5) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Directors. of Local Governments,

  • To members who participated for at least three (3) consecutive terms as members of Committees of the Greek Department or of the Audit Committee,

It is also awarded to non-members of the D.E.A.

  • for a continuous long-term period of at least 12 years of outstanding selfless service to the DEA.

  • For significant financial contribution from sponsors or donors.

C. The diploma  of the DEA may be awarded to members of the DEA:

  • For less than three (3) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Directors. of the National Department

  • For less than four (4) consecutive terms as members of the Board of Directors. of the Local Administration.

  • The DEA diploma may be awarded to non-DEA members for continuous long-term outstanding selfless service to the DEA.

  1. The honorary plaque depicts on a metal surface the approved mark of the International Police Union, the words "GREEK NATIONAL DEPARTMENT - TIMIS ENEKEN" and inscribes in a special space the name of the member to whom it is awarded.

  2. The award is made by decision of the Board of Directors. of the National Department after a proposal from a member of it or a Local Administration. The proposal is accompanied by a reference to the services offered.

  3. The awarding of the Honorary Plaque and the Diploma is done by the President of the National Department or his deputy. The ET awards are preferably granted in the context of an official event [e.g. Panhellenic Congress, annual General Assembly, etc.].

The accommodation costs of the awardees will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors. of the Greek Department or the Local Administration.

The certificates and plaques should be signed by the President and the General Secretary of the ET. The awards given by the Local Administrations must have the agreement and approval of the Board of Directors of the Greek Department.

Article 12


  1. By decision of the Board of Directors according to article 2 para. f of the Association's Statute, it is possible, as long as the necessary conditions are met, to issue a Periodical or a Newsletter for the members of the Association within the framework defined by the above article.

  2. The decision defines the title of the Journal or Bulletin, the headquarters, the head of content, the members of the editorial board and the manager of financial affairs. The publisher of the above forms is the President of the National Department or the Local Administration.

  3. The Journal or Bulletin is distributed free of charge to the members of the Union, subsidized by the respective Fund with the corresponding amount for its publication and mailing.

  4. From the manager of financial affairs it is possible to maintain a separate income-expenditure book, block of receipts of receipts and payment orders for the issue of journal or forms. As long as this is not observed, the expenses are recorded in a separate column of the Cash Book. In the Income-Expenditure Book, receipts and incurred expenses are closed per month carried forward for the next active balance.

  5. In order to cover the costs of publishing and sending the form, it is allowed to publish advertisements in it. With the proposal of the publisher of the form, the Board of Directors determines the cost per page or part of the advertisement. In this case, the Income-Expenses book and block of receipts for the provision of services are considered by the relevant Financial Tax Office from which instructions are also received for the registration of VAT, its collection and its performance within the specified deadlines.

  6. For the respective subsidies to the Journal from the National Department or the T.D. payment orders are issued with receipts and the subsidy is entered in the Revenue column of the Journal Book.

  7. The decision defines the title of the magazine, the content manager and the members of the editorial board.

  8. The National Section and TDs may find sponsors for the publication of a magazine or other publications.






Article 13

general provisions

  1. The revenues of the International Police Union come from the sources, as specified in articles 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Statute of the IPA, and are used only for the purposes mentioned in article 2 thereof. Membership fees are annual and are payable in advance within the first quarter of each year.

  2. The Local Administrations may have an independent legal presence and their own VAT number, provided that they fully comply with both the Statute and the Regulation of Operation of the ET, as well as the International Statute. The Local Administrations are financially independent from each other in terms of internal management. In the event of a deficit in the financial management of the Local Administration and as long as there are serious reasons for this, the National Department is called and with a reasoned decision of the Board of Directors. may cover any resulting shortfall.

The TDs are obliged to send to the National Department a Balance Sheet - Results of use for the previous financial year, no later than January 31st.

The  E.T. is informed about the extraordinary revenues of the Local Governments. Donations, grants, contributions and support to the Union and the TDs are always made by name and are accepted by a decision of the Board of Directors which prepares the relevant  acceptance record  donation, grant, contribution or reinforcement.

In case of poor financial management or cash deficit by Local Administration, the Board of Directors may of the National Department to act financial control and take the appropriate decisions.

  1. The retention period for correspondence concerning financial matters is 10 years. The details, Cash and Property Books are kept with special care by the Treasurer and are kept by him. The data, i.e. blocks of receipts and payment orders, as well as their supporting documents, are destroyed after ten years. All members of the Board of Directors they must be constantly informed by the Treasurer about all administrative and financial transactions.

  2. Correspondence on financial matters is signed by the Treasurer. If the Treasurer is going to be prevented from performing his duties for more than 2 months, then by decision of the Board of Directors. Treasurer duties are undertaken by the Assistant Treasurer. For this replacement, a transaction is made in the Cash Book.

Article 14


The Association has the right to collect the registration fees and generally the subscriptions of its members with the withholding and return system through payroll, pension payment or dividend.

The subscriptions of active members are withheld by the Financial Management of the Hellenic Police and attributed to the Union according to the membership statements submitted.

Retired members' contributions may be withheld by the pension or dividend payer and remitted to the Union in accordance with membership statements submitted.

A necessary condition for the above is the written consent of the members in the registration application where, among other things, it is stated that: ΄΄ I declare that I agree to the withholding of my subscription set by the Board of Directors through my payroll or the pension and dividend payment body΄΄.

Subscriptions of a smaller amount than what the Board of Directors defines as the ΄΄annual subscription΄΄ and are expected to be paid by the members, cannot be collected.

Renewal of members' annual subscription and reactivation

1 ) Όλα τα τακτικά  μέλη  οφείλουν  έως τις 30 Απριλίου κάθε έτους  να καταβάλλουν την ετήσια συνδρομή them,  with deduction from the salary.

2) The financial year for retired members is defined from May 1 to April 30 of the following year. Members who do not pay their subscription as specified  above, from May 1st will be considered  as financially delinquent  and will not be entitled to of the benefits  provided for the members, they cannot participate in any activity and they cannot attend the meetings of the bodies.

3 ) The member who stopped paying subscriptions,  can be reactivated by paying  the current year's subscription.

4) Members who leave the Union in any way may not request the return of the amounts they have paid or contributed to it.


The Secretary General of the National Department:

a] In the month of December every year, it sends a document to the Financial Management of the Hellenic Police with a status of members who are in the action for withholding from the salary of February or March of the annual subscription.

b] In the month of December of each year, he sends a letter to the International Treasurer about the number of members of the Greek Section requesting the corresponding sending of ID coupons for the following year.

c] By the month of April each year based on

  • statuses of active members,

  • states of the members, which were written  to the D.E.A. from January 1 to December 31 and

  • statements of subscriptions received in the previous year from retired members, issues payment warrants after the President of the National Section with an analysis of each case for the Treasurer to send the corresponding amounts to each Local Administration.

The Treasurers of T.D. receiving the above amounts, they issue a collection receipt, which they register in the Income-Expenditure Book and send the receipt to the National Treasurer.

The members of the Union who are in retirement are financially informed and have the right to participate in the annual General Assemblies of the T.D., to elect and be elected, as long as they have paid the annual subscription in the month of January, which is proven by receipt of the National Department.

All members, after paying the annual subscription, receive the coupon, which they attach to the D.E.A. ID card. and is evidence that they are active members of the Union. The new identity form will be sent to the TDs who are responsible for serving the beneficiaries.

Article 15

The Treasurer of the National Department:

a] Taking by month  March the nominal statements of the members in the energy, for which the subscription was reserved, registers in the portion of each member of the Register Book of the Union the subscription of the current year. The same procedure is followed for the registration of the subscriptions of retired members, as well as for other Calendar and Extraordinary Contribution bookings.

b] In the month of April every year with the sending of the nominal statements to T.D. mentions in them about retired   members, who are not financially aware.


 Article 16

The Local Administrations based on the sent statements:

a] notify their members of the annual Ordinary General Assembly, which according to article 29 and 41 of the Statute of the D.E.A. takes place in the first semester of each year and

b] supervise the collection and sending of subscriptions etc. of members who have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the National Department after withholding their rights.


 Article 17


The general duties of the Treasurer are determined by article 26 of the Statute of the D.E.A. The Treasurer in particular for each amount collected by the Association based on article 10 of the Statute:

a] issues a duplicate collection receipt, which bears the title of the Union, is numbered and stamped with the stamp of the D.E.A.,

b] registers receipts in the Revenue column of the Cash Book in chronological order and serial number,

c] pays and disburses the amounts mentioned in the payment orders issued by the President and the Secretary General,

d] registers the payment warrants in chronological order and serial number in the Expenses column in the Cash Book and keeps the supporting documents after the warrants in a special file,

e] informs the Board of Directors at each session. for the cash situation in addition to the summary financial statement of Income - Expenses for the quarter, which is required by the statutory provision and

f] submits to one or more at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Bank Accounts the funds of the Union except the amount, which has been determined as a maximum limit to be kept by him.

g) submits the Union's annual tax return and all consolidated statements concerning transactions of the previous financial year.

In general, in the management of collections and payments, extra-accounting transactions are not allowed. It is not allowed not to register the individual receipts and payments for an event and to register only its Income in the Cash Book, even if the management of the Income-Expenses of the specific event was done by a special Committee for this purpose.

By decision of the Board, all payments above the amount determined by the Board shall be made by two-line checks signed by the Treasurer and the President


Article 18


For each payment, the President and the General Secretary issue a Payment Warrant, which bears the title of the Association, is numbered and sealed. With the 'Payment Order' the Treasurer is instructed to pay the stated amount for which a previous decision of the Board of Directors has been taken. Payment Orders may be issued without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. up to an amount, which is generally determined by the Board of Directors.

At the meetings of the Boards of Directors, the expenses incurred are approved, for which the feasibility and amount have been previously approved, as well as the expenses that are deemed appropriate to be incurred with the determination of their maximum amount. All these approvals are recorded in the Minutes of the Meeting.


 Article 19


For each requested provision of services or supply of materials, items or office furniture of an amount or more, which is determined by the Board of Directors, written offers are received, which are placed at its discretion for decision-making. The quotations are attached to the supplier's invoice or receipt with the payment order.

In the cases of events taking place and the need to receive various offers, these are received by the Committee of Members, which is defined by a decision of the Board of Directors. these are mentioned in the Minutes drawn up by the Committee and any written offers received are attached to the individual invoices or service receipts.


 Article 20

The Book of Income - Expense Fund, which is numbered and considered by the President and Secretary General of the Board of Directors. may have more columns in the individual cases of collections and payments, as long as this facilitates the Council to know the amounts collected or paid from the various causes. Columns can be:

For collections: Subscriptions, printed materials, souvenirs, various events, Social Aid Fund, assistance to the needy, Bank Interest, Donations,  Various causes.

For payments: Subscriptions or T.D. rights, International Fund rights, forms, souvenirs, various events, rent and office expenses [PPC, OTE Commons, Cleaning ], Stationery, postage, office furniture, Social Assistance Fund or aid disabled people, participation in conferences, etc., other causes.



HEAD    C'


Article 21


The Board of Directors with the care of the majority member, it convenes within 8 days of its election and is formed into a body (Article 16 of the Statute).

After the election of the members and the formation of the new Board of Directors within the next 8 days the new Board of Directors receives from the outgoing Board of Directors the Administration of the Union or Local. Administration.

The outgoing Board of Directors must draw up a Receipt Delivery Protocol and hand over all Union assets, books, seals, flag, files, PC, furniture and office keys.

To inform about the existing pending cases and especially about the cases that need action, either by verbal agreements or in writing so as to fully prove the smooth execution of the Union's work. The outgoing Management must cooperate with the newly elected Board of Directors in order to fully inform it of all the matter. In the event that the old Management is indifferent, embarrasses or fails to cooperate with its successor in the direction of the smooth operation of the Union, then the members of the outgoing Board of Directors are subject to disciplinary control.

Article 22


  1. A written invitation is sent in time for each meeting. The invitations must state the place, time of the meeting and announce the Agenda of the topics or the main topic to be discussed.

  2. At the beginning of the meeting the President or the authorized member to lead the discussions, requests the approval of the Agenda from the participating members. For each agenda item, as long as this is required, a vote is taken. The order of voting is determined before it begins. A joint vote is possible for more than one issue, even when there is only one proposal for each of them.

  3. The minutes kept by the Secretary of the Meeting must be objective. They are only allowed to record and not to comment. In any case, the minutes must contain:

  • the agenda items,

  • the start and end of the meeting,

  • the members participating in the meeting at the start,

  • the development of the issues and the petitions submitted, as well as the names of the members who submitted them,

  • the decisions made and

  • the results of the votes.

The minutes must be communicated to the members participating in the meeting at the next Board of Directors, who are entitled to submit their objections to the President of the Meeting within 15 days of the announcement. If the objection is justified, the Secretary, in agreement with the President, can amend the minutes, then these are considered accepted by all members participating in the meeting.

For making the decisions of the Board of Directors of the National Department, the Top. Administration through the Magazine or Website.

4 .  Only the members attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and Ephorates.

The President may allow the presence of other members of the Union, as long as they will help inform the Council for more complete decision-making. In this case, a mention is made in the Minutes of the Meeting. The members of the Councils, committees or Ephorates are informed in writing of all the decisions taken, whether they were present or not when they were taken.

The Committees meet in the first two months of each year evaluating the activities of the Local Governments and submit their reports by the end of February.


 Article 23


The Board of Directors of the National Department, by its decision in accordance with article 18 of the Statute, appoints and dismisses the salaried staff of the Union.

It can also hire partners for specific topics and for a certain time. Such partners can be e.g. Lawyer for legal matters, accountant for the closing of the treasury and submission of tax return, partner for the website, secretarial clerk and cleaning staff.


 Article 24


The General Assemblies include the annual regular or extraordinary Assemblies of the Local Governments and the annual regular or extraordinary Panhellenic Conferences.

The President and the General Secretary of the National Section, in accordance with article 29 of the Statute, send a circular to the members of the Conference and the Local Administrations, specifying the time, place and the topics of the Agenda. The Local Administrations may 60 days before the Meeting send to the General Secretary of the National Department proposals and topics for discussion for the Panhellenic Conference. The General Secretary after a decision and at the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors. of the National Department 30 days before the meeting sends to the T.D. and other members of the Congress proposals beyond the Agenda for discussion.

T.D. one month at the latest before the Panhellenic Conference, they inform the General Secretary of the National Department of the representative who will represent them.

Matters discussed at the General Assembly, after the discussion and decision-making, the same matters may not be brought up for discussion at a later General Assembly before the lapse of 2 years, unless there is a serious reason, circumstances have changed or new information has emerged on this matter.

The agent represents T.D. in all votes, without conditions and restrictions. The proposals sent to the Congress are analyzed by the representatives of the T.D. sent by them, are discussed and put to a vote to be accepted or rejected. The same procedure applies to all amendments and counter-proposals.

According to article 29 par. 4 of the DEA Statute, the General Assembly meets regularly once a year and within the first half of each calendar year, exceptionally when deemed necessary by the Board. For the time of convening the General Meeting, each TD must call the General Meeting with a notice at least 20 days before the date of its holding.

The members are informed about the General Assembly of the TDs based on a notice that is posted on the walls of the TD's offices, published on the website of the TD and the ET and sent to all the competent local police services by any suitable means.

The General Assembly meets legally, as long as at the beginning of the meeting the members present with the right to vote is greater than half (1/2) of the total number of members. In case of NO quorum at the beginning of the meeting, the General Assembly meets without a new invitation at the same place, on the same day and time, 7 days later with the same topics of the original agenda.

In this repeated meeting, a quorum exists, whatever the number of present members of the Board of Directors who have the right to vote.

The electoral roll is posted at the offices of the Union and includes only the member's first and last name, patronymic and IPA registration number.

At the Assemblies in general after establishing that there is a quorum in accordance with article 31 of the Statute of the D.E.A., the election of the President, Secretary of the Assembly and in cases of nominations of the three-member Electoral Committee, the announcement of the start of the Assembly and the reading of the issues of the Agenda, the President gives the floor in priority to the presenters of the topics of the Agenda and after these to the representatives, if they wish to speak, the T.D. of which they submitted topics - proposals for discussion. In this case and as long as there is more than one speaker-representative, priority order is respected.

The members of the Board of Directors they can take the floor after the   speech is over if they ask.

Speakers can generally accompany their reports in writing.

The General Assembly of members may be attended by a legal advisor or a technical advisor of the Union without the right to vote.

Candidates for the administrative bodies of the Union may also participate in the voting General Assemblies at their own expense without the right to vote and to speak other than presenting their candidacy.


 Article 25

The President of the Assembly:

a] may, at the beginning of the Meeting, with the consent of the participating members, limit the speaking time to specific time limits,

b] gives the floor immediately, but not during a speech or vote,

c] gives the opportunity for personal remarks only after the end of the Agenda and outside the order of speakers,

d] when, during the meeting, he finds that it is not possible to make a decision, he must immediately interrupt or dissolve the Meeting,

e] may indicate to the speakers to return to the subject under discussion, when they deviate from it and to bring them or other members of the Assembly back to order by name, when they disrupt it. If the violations are repeated, the speech is removed from the speaker. In this case the speaker cannot take the floor again on the subjects of the Agenda,

f] in case of disturbance, he can interrupt the Assembly. If it is not possible to make himself heard, he leaves his seat, whereupon the Assembly is adjourned. If there is still no order, then the President declares the end of the Assembly,

g] in case of disability or indisposition of the President, he is replaced by the secretary of the assembly and the general secretary of the ET assumes the role of secretary.

The President's decision on matters not provided for by these Regulations and not requiring the vote of the members present is final.

In case of a decision taken by the General Assembly which becomes voidable due to its opposition to the law or the statutes (e.g. taking a decision without the required quorum or majority), Article 101 of the Civil Code provides the right to bring an annulment action to the members who did not consent or to anyone else who has a legitimate interest. This action is brought within a period of six (6) months from the decision of the General Assembly, and the court decision that declares the nullity or validates the decision is valid against everyone, however, until its finality, the decision of the General Assembly normally produces its legal effects.

The speaking time for reports on the Internal Regulation and personal observations, as well as for clarifications for a more complete understanding of the topic for each speaker is a maximum of 5 minutes.

After the end of the work of the Pan. of the Conference, the President and the Secretary of the meeting receive the taped minutes (Article 36 of the Statute) and hand them over to the General Secretary of ET who   takes care of their transcription and delivery to the President of the Board. S, within a reasonable period of time.


Article 26


       General Election. Conference

In cases where the vote according to article 33 of the Statute is done by a show of hands and there is doubt about the result, then the vote is repeated or a roll call vote is made. In all vote counts the President announces the result.

B. Election of members of the Board of Directors.

The composition of the Board of Directors is done by secret ballot, article 16 of the statute.

The candidate who receives more than 50% of the valid votes is considered elected. If there are more than two candidates and neither of them receives 50%, a new vote will be held between the two candidates with the highest number of votes and the candidate who receives more than 50% of the valid votes is elected.

In case of filling an administrative position and submitting a single nomination, the applicant is elected, as long as he collected at least half of the votes of the members present and entitled to vote. If this does not happen then new nominations are requested. In the event that there are no other nominations, the only candidate is elected regardless of the number of votes.  Abstentions are not considered votes.

If 2 or more vote in a tie, then a new vote is held between those with a tie. If there is still a tie, one is elected by lot by the President.

C. Voting on H.D.

The Board of Directors it is considered a quorum, (Article 17 of the statute) when its members present are more than those absent and it decides by open vote and an absolute majority of those present, except in cases where the statute requires a qualified majority of all its members. When an absolute majority is not reached for the decision of the Board of Directors, then a second vote is held, in which case a simple majority is sufficient. In the event of a tie, the vote of the President or his Deputy President prevails. Abstentions are not considered votes.

Ballots and the Minutes of the Electoral Committee must be kept for three years from the day of the Assembly.

At the end of this Regulation, Annexes with models for each stage of the Assemblies are listed.


Article 27

Member ID

1) The member ID is the document with which the member certifies his membership in the Hellenic Section of the International Police Union. It is valid as long as the member has   paid their annual subscription and affixed the special IPA stamp (Years Stamp) on the back.

2) The possession and use of the identity card by the members is governed by the provisions of the Statute of the International Police Union. The identity card is intended for the exclusive use only by its holder who will be subject to disciplinary control for any improper use.

3) Upon the submission of the interested party's application, if his registration as a member is approved, the Secretariat of the Greek Section is obliged within a reasonable period of time to issue and send the identity card to the interested party.

4) The members of foreign  countries in which there is no national section of the D.E.A. (Associated Members), for whom the Greek Department issues IDs  have the same rights and obligations as Regular Members. However, they do not have the right to elect and be elected.


5 ) The membership ID belongs by full ownership  to the Greek  Department/DEA and must be returned to it in case of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58_ cancellation, deletion suspension of membership  or expulsion from the Union.

6) In cases  of damage,  of loss or theft, after the member has submitted a request, a copy with the same ID number is issued within twenty days from the ET Secretariat with the payment of 3 euros and sent to the interested party.


Article 28

Twinning of Local Governments

Twinning is the approach of two or more Local Governments  that seek in this way to  cooperate voluntarily, with  in order to  -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to develop progressively  among themselves ever  and closer bonds of friendship. Twinning is a long-term commitment between the partners, not a short-term partnership, in which they aim to strengthen their  relationships which are mainly cultural in nature. Exchanges of missions and other joint events of twinned  TDs take place within the framework of bilateral relations and are determined by the principle of reciprocity. Twinning is not something that is carried out casually, it requires seriousness and careful preparation. To cover the topics of partner selection and preparation, here  are ten tips that will come in handy to ensure your twinning  is successful:

1st  Find the right partner.

Finding the ideal partner (or partners) is obviously the first step! Each twinning is unique. However, in most cases, the right twinning partner should have some similarities with you. The matter comes to the Board of Directors and a decision is made.

2nd Ensure the participation of your members

There can be no fraternization without the active participation of members. Elected Board members may be the driving force behind twinning planning, but they should not be the only people involved. At the same time, twinning must be promoted so that each member feels involved in it.

3rd Give a wider dimension

In our Union, a successful twinning bond should contribute to strengthening relationships and active participation within the IRA. By creating bonds between members, we help promote social unity and create a common cultural identity.

4th Define common goals

What do we want to achieve with twinning? This should be the first question when creating a twinning bond. You and your partner should set clear goals and types of activities and where possible, agree from the start. If this is not done, twinning can fail, due to inertia, board change, misunderstandings or misconceptions. It is a good idea to re-evaluate goals and actions from time to time to ensure that you all have the same priorities for twinning.

5th Create a support group or committee

Gradually, the dynamics of cooperation can weaken. A small but active group, in each of the twinned  TDs, can help maintain contacts, expand cooperation through new projects, etc.

6th Cooperate with the Police Department and local agencies

There are many ways to involve your Police Department, City Council and other agencies in twinning. Member exchanges are often one of the highlights of a partnership and can help increase interest.

7th Address the important problems of our time

The activities developed through twinning ties help members to exchange views and stay informed on international issues. This particularly benefits young people. These topics may concern activities related to the environment, the future of the Union, human rights, peace, volunteering, social participation, cultural events such as art exhibitions and sports activities like football and other sports!

8th Plan a sustainable relationship

An effective twinning bond must have the ability to stand the test of time and not just reflect the mood prevailing on the day of the Board meeting or the twinning ceremony.

9th Think about the future and create the basis for new exchanges of ideas

A twinning bond can create an ideal environment in which to develop new collaborative techniques. The exchange of experiences, actions and joint consideration of specific issues can lead to finding solutions or improving proposals.

10th Make a budget and take care of the finances

The last but no less important tip is to be careful with your finances! Any collaboration is bound to have some financial cost, no matter how well planned and organized the collaboration meetings are.

It is useful for Boards of Directors to provide in their annual budget,  some  amount, so that they have the possibility to respond financially._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Local Governments can also seek  twinning sponsors at local level, which can work positively for fundraising.


Article 29


These Internal Regulations were amended after the approval of the members at the General Assembly of the 31st Panhellenic conference in Halkidiki and came into force on June 20, 2015.



  Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ        _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     The SECRETARY

Απόστολος ΣΠΥΡΑΚΟΣ          _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           Ioannis TZITZOKOS

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