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History of the Greek National Department

          Περισσότερες από πέντε δεκαετίες έχουν through the founding of the Greek National Section of the International Police Association (IPA), over 50 years of social and cultural contribution, solidarity towards fellow human beings and colleagues, promotion of the Hellenic Police Force and Greece throughout the planet .

       Η φιλία, η αλληλεγγύη, οι δράσεις και όλα όσα πρεσβεύει η Διεθνής _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Police Association (IPA) remain the same as when their founder first envisioned themArthur Troop(British police officer), when at a difficult time, shortly after the war, he felt the need to communicate and develop friendly relations with his colleagues at an international level.

       Με τις ίδιες προσδοκίες και ανησυχίες και Έλληνες αστυνομικοί, σε δύσκολους καιρούς, ιδρύσαν the Greek Section of the Union, which was recognized at the Barcelona World Congress on September 29, 1965. Protergates, the president of the founding committee, Mr.Konstantinos Vassilakis, together with the late Mr.Georgios Pontikas(secretary), Mr.Spyro Kouri(treasurer) and the other founding members. Equally important was the contribution of the late Mr.Antonaki Demesticha, first elected president of the National Department, as well as the creative Mr.Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos.

Dozens of chapters of rich history, experiences and emotions that hardly fit into a few paragraphs.

         Στη συνεδρίαση του Δ.Σ . of December 17, 1985, the issue of housing the offices of the Greek Department of the Union is brought up for discussion for the first time, while in 1986, for this purpose, the 5th floor of an apartment building at 2 Iktinou Street in Athens is purchased for the sum of 5,250,000 drachmas , where the heart of the Union has been beating continuously since then.

          Την 19η Ιουλίου 1995 ξεκινά the operation of a hostel in the center of Athens, to serve the members of the Union, inaugurating this institution in our country, while on June 14, 1997, the start of operation of the hostel in Thessaloniki follows. Today, there are also similar guesthouses on the island of Chios, in Nymphaeum of Florina and in Sternes of Chania. The structures of the hostels are either privately owned buildings of the National Department or properties of the Hellenic Police that were granted by the Leadership to our Union and reconstructed with the care of our Union.

         Το 1982 εκδίδεται το πρώτο τεύχος of the quarterly magazine "News of the IPA" which continues its circulation with rich material until today, conveying the news and actions of the National Department as well as of the Local Administrations to all members, while in 1992 the first annual calendar of the Union was published. Likewise, the publication of the diary is an institution that continues to this day.

       Λαμπρή σελίδα στην ιστορία της Ένωσης υπήρξε η δημιουργία το 1995 και η λειτουργία για more than two decades, of the "Members' Mutual Aid Account" (LAMDEA), which during its years of operation provided financial aid to fellow members of the Union in need, totaling more than 1,500,000 euros, as well as its evolution in 2009 in an "Occupational Insurance Fund", in the form of a legal entity under private law, with solid foundations and a stable development path.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     The Hellenic Department has to demonstrate over time a huge range of innovative actions, as well as at least 16,000 particularly active members, both active and retired police officers. they rank it in the first positions worldwide among the 66 national sections of the Union. With a continuous and active presence at world conferences since its foundation, it has highlighted as members of the International Executive Secretariat, Mr.Ioannis Panousisin the position of deputy general secretary during the three years 2003 - 2006, Mr.Georgios Katsaropouloswho succeeded him in the same position from 2006 to 2009, when he took the position of Global Secretary General. A special honor is also the promotion of Mr.Odyssea Michalakis, president of the sister Cypriot Section, in the position of World President, while members of the National Section have been selected from time to time and staff world committees of the Union.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        Το Ελληνικό Εθνικό Τμήμα, μεταξύ άλλων:

  • He introduced at the world conference in France in 2011 the seven fundamental principles of IPA namelyFriendship, Hospitality, Humanism, Solidarity, Unity, Globalism and Volunteering.

  • At the world conference in Copenhagen in 2013, he introduced the Peace Resolution that was submitted to the U.N. and the organization of the 1st Women Police Conference held in Heraklion, Crete in October 2014 and in Moscow in May 2016.

  • At the world conference in Potsdam, Germany in 2014, he proposed the institution of the International Symposium at Ancient Olympia, held in 2016 and held every four years, the year of the Olympic games.

  • There has been a "Sponsor Section" for the national sections of Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus, while the "Sponsor Section" of the Greek Section has been the German National Section.

  • It has successfully held international meetings such as the "IPA House managers meeting" in 2014, as well as meetings of global committees, such as the meeting of the global cultural committee in Patras in 2010.

​        _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          Επίσης, σημεία of reference in the course of the National Department that deserve special mention are:

  • The organization of the 28th world conference in Athens in 1998, in the presence of the founder of the International UnionArthur Troop.

  • His presenceEcumenical Patriarch Mr. Bartholomewat the 16th Panhellenic conference in 2000.

  • The start of the successful institution of annual friendly meetings in 2006 by the city of Livadia.

  • The publication of the first poetry collection with works by Union members in April 2016.

  • The realization of an evening entitled "Police and Aristotelian Philosophy" in the building of the Old Parliament in co-organization with the Headquarters of EL.AS and PO.KEA.

  • Also, in 2016, he was declared an honorary member of the Union following a proposal by T.D. Lasithiou Ms.Maria Kokkolakiand in 2017, following a proposal by the general secretary of the National Department, the professor of I.M. Panagia Spilia Agrafon,Archimandrite  Nektarios Mitropoulos.

  • After a proposal by the National Department, the most important distinction of the International Police Union, the "World Prize", was awarded to the Greek National Department and to the local administrations of Kilkis, Drama, Magnesia, Akarnania, Lesvos and Chios. Also, by decision of the IEB, an honorary award was awarded to the founder of the Greek Department, Mr.Konstantinos Vasilakis, while medals for their contribution to the Union were also awarded by the IEB to Mr.Spyridon Fotoglouin the year 2012 and Mr.Kyriakos Karkaliin the year 2016.

  • Following the decision of the Board of Directors were honored with the highest distinction of the Greek Department, "the medal of the I.R.A.", for their great and long-term contribution, the former global deputy general secretary and for a number of years a member of the Board of Directors. of the National Department of the Union Mr.Ioannis Panoussis, the former president Mr.Konstantinos Papakonstantinouand the former president Mr.Christos Kontakos.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     In life and in our journey as members of the International Police Union we advocate that friendship, cooperation, solidarity, volunteerism and selflessness offer, are values that can contribute to the creation of a more humane and welcoming world.

       Ως Έλληνες αστυνομικοί καλούμαστε να αντιμετωπίσουμε δύσκολες συγκυρίες και συνθήκες ανταποκρινόμενοι στο απαιτητικό λειτούργημα που we practice in the best possible way. Our basic pursuit is the contribution to society, the protection of citizens, as well as the strengthening of the role that the modern Greek policeman is called to perform and the promotion of his social face.

       Το Εθνικό Τμήμα της Ένωσης έχει αναπτύξει θετικές σχέσεις, δίαυλους επικοινωνίας _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and constructive cooperation with the Political and Physical leadership of the House, who throughout time support its initiatives and actions.

* The original text was written by Mr. Fotoglou Spyros while changes and additions were made by TD Lesvos.

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